Originating Application for Maintenance (Variation_Recission)
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(1) Case Information
Party List
If you wish to add a Filing Party, click “Add Party”, and proceed to Figs 1a – 1b.
Fig 1a. Enter all the mandatory information.
Fig 1b. Enter the party’s personal and contact details. The full list of the details required is below. Click “Save” when you are done.
Type of Entity
Party Type
Identify Type
Identification No.
Country of Issue
Name (as stated in NRIC/Passport)
File Reference No.
Birth Information
Date of birth
Country of birth
Address Type
Local Address
Foreign Address
Legal Aid Certification
Contact Details
Singapore Mobile Number
Singapore Residential Number
Fig 2. Verify the Nature of Case of your Originating Application. This should be defaulted to the option shown above.
Fig 3. Select the type of Originating Application you are filing.
Relief(s) Claimed
Fig 4. Click on “Add Prayers” to provide details of the relief(s) the Applicant is applying for.
Fig 5. Provide the details of the reliefs sought in the textbox provided. If you would like to add another prayer, click on “Add Prayers” again.
Fig 6. State if there is a supporting affidavit to support this application.
If there is a supporting affidavit, you will need to upload this document in Step 2: Forms. Proceed to the next section i.e. Supporting Documents Fig 7.
If you are referring to other affidavits to support the application, proceed to Figs 6a – 6a(i).
Fig 6a. Click “Add”.
Fig 6a(i). Provide the necessary details. To add additional rows, click on the “Add” button again.
Supporting Documents
Fig 7. Click “Add Document” to add supporting documents to be annexed to the Originating Application.
Fig 7a. Enter the number of “Other document” that you wish to add, and click “Add”.
(2) Forms
Fig 8. Click on the:
If you would like to file other supporting documents to the case, click “Add Document”.
Fig 9. You will be presented with an eForm.
Fig 9a. Click the “Confirm” button located at the bottom of the eForm.
Fig 10. Enter the necessary details on the deponent info. To upload documents, click “Browse Files to upload”. Select the relevant file from the browser dialog box, and click “Upload”.
Fig 11. The row of the eForm will be updated with new buttons.
• Click the “Finalise Document” button to start the process. The “Finalise Document” button will only be enabled after all eForms are confirmed and all documents to be uploaded in Step 2 have been uploaded.
(3) Admin Details
Fig 12. In Step 3: Admin Details, indicate any urgent processing, special request or waiver required. You can also opt to eServe the documents to another law firm.
(4) Submission
Fig 13. In Step 4: Submission, review all information and documents before submission. Upon acceptance / approval by Court, the documents will be sent to your eLitigation inbox.
Fig 1. Select the relevant Filing Party for this case. Click the icon to check and amend details of the selected Filing Party, and proceed to Fig 1a. Please note that the parties are pulled with their party types from the original case number entered. If the original respondent is now the filing party, the party type must be updated to “applicant”.
Fig 7b. Click “Choose File” to select the file from the browser dialog box. Click the icon to upload the document. Provide information regarding the “Other document” in the text box.
• icon to view the eForm. The eForm will be generated based on the details provided in the Case Information section. Proceed to Figs 9 ‒ 9a.
• icon to upload relevant document. Proceed to Fig 10.
• To change the information in the generated form, click “Previous” to return to the Case Information section and amend the information first. Then click the button in Step 2 to generate a new form with the updated details. Then click the “Confirm” button located at the bottom of the eForm.