(1) Case Information
Adding a Case Party
Fig 1. Click on “Add Party”. You will need to add at least one party in order to proceed with the rest of the application.
Fig 1a. Enter all the mandatory information. Click “Save” when you are done.
Case Info
Fig 2. Specify the nature of Probate you are applying for.
If “Letters of Administration” is selected, proceed to Fig 2a.
If “Probate” is selected, proceed to Fig 2b.
Fig 2a. Specify the type of Letters of Administration (LA) you are applying for. Proceed to Fig 3.
Fig 2b. Specify the type of Probate you are applying for. Proceed to Fig 3.
Fig 3. Specify the type of grant you are applying for.
Deceased’s Details
Fig 4. Select if you would like to retrieve the deceased’s details from ICA’s database.
If “Yes” is selected, proceed to Fig 4a.
If “No, I want to enter deceased’s details manually” is selected, proceed to Fig 5.
Fig 4a. Enter the details of the deceased that you would like to obtain from ICA’s database.
If the deceased’s details are found in ICA’s database, the fields in Figs 5 – 6 will be automatically filled up.
Fig 5. State if the ID of the deceased is known.
If “ID as follows” is selected, proceed to Fig 5a.
If “Unknown” or “Does Not Exist” is selected, proceed to Fig 6.
Fig 5a. Provide the details of the deceased’s ID.
Fig 6. Provide the following personal details of the deceased.
Alias Name
Address Type
Local Address
Foreign Address
Not Available
Place of Death
Date of Death
Exact Date
Date Range
State (where applicable)
Questionnaire & Capacity
Fig 7. State if you want to file the schedule of assets in this filing orat a later time.
If you had selected “Probate” when asked to indicate the nature of Probate (refer to Fig 2), proceed to Fig 7a.
If you had selected “Letters of Administration” when asked to indicate the nature of Probate (refer to Fig 2), proceed to Fig 13.
Fig 7a. State if there is any Executor other than the Applicant(s).
If “Yes” is selected, proceed to Fig 7b.
If “No” is selected, proceed to Fig 8.
Fig 7b. Click Add Executor Details” to provide details of Executor(s) other than the Applicant(s). Proceed to Fig 7b(i).
Fig 7b(i). Provide details of the Executor’s name and status.
If “Renounced” is selected, please provide details of the date of Renunciation. Click “Add” when you are done to add these details to the table in Fig 7b.
If “Deceased” is selected, please provide details of the date of death. Click “Add” when you are done to add these details to the table in Fig 7b.
If “Power being reserved of making the like grant” is selected, click “Add” when you are done to add these details to the table in Fig 7b.
If “Others (e.g. Order for deemed renunciation obtained in citation proceedings)” is selected, provide further details in the text box. Click “Add” when you are done to add these details to the table in Fig 7b.
Fig 8. State if there is any written Will.
If “Yes” is selected, proceed to Fig 8a.
If “No” is selected, proceed to Fig 9.
Fig 8a. Indicate if there is any written codicil to this Will.
If “Yes” is selected, indicate how many Codicils you are filing in this transaction, and proceed to Fig 9.
If “No” is selected, proceed to Fig 9.
Fig 9. State if the application is being made within 6 months from the death of the deceased.
If “No” is selected, explain why the application was not made within the stated timeframe.
If “Yes” is selected, proceed to Fig 10.
Fig 10a. Select the appropriate options related to the Applicant’s capacity. Click “Update” to update the table in Fig 10.
Fig 11. State if there are any limitations to the grant.
If “Limited to specific property” is selected, proceed to Fig 11a.
If “Others” is selected, proceed to Fig 11b.
If “None” is selected, proceed to Fig 11c if the application is for double probate.
Fig 11a. Click “Add Deceased’s Property” to add the details of the deceased’s properties.
Fig 11a(i). Provide details of the deceased’s property, and click “Add” when you are done to add the details to the table in Fig 11. Proceed to Fig 12.
Fig 11b. Provide details of the other limitations to the grant. Proceed to Fig 11c.
Fig 11c. Click “Add Previous Grant Details” to provide details of any previous grant for double probate applications.
Fig 11c(i). Provide details of the necessary details of the previous grant. Click “Add” when you are done to add these details to the table in Fig 11b. Proceed to Fig 12.
Fig 12. Provide any other relevant information in support of the Originating Application. When you are done, proceed to Relief(s) Claimed Fig 21.
Note: Refer to Figs 13 ‒ 20 only if you had selected “LA - Letters of Administration” when asked to indicate the nature of Probate (refer to Fig 2). If not, skip ahead to Fig 21.
Fig 13. State if the Grant is to be made to any co-administrator besides the Applicant(s).
If “Yes” is selected, click on “Add Details” to add the details of any additional co-administrators. Proceed to Fig 13a for further details.
If “No” is selected, proceed to Fig 14.
Fig 13a. Provide the details of the co-administrator. Click “Add” to add the co-administrator to the table in Fig 13.
Fig 14. State if the application is being made within 6 months from the death of the deceased.
If “No” is selected, explain why the application was not made within the stated timeframe.
Fig 15. State if there are any limitations to the grant.
If “Limited to specific property” is selected, proceed to Fig 15a.
If “Others” is selected, proceed to Fig 15b.
If “None” is selected, proceed to Fig 16.
Fig 15a. Click “Add Deceased’s Property” to provide details of the property.
Fig 15a(i). Provide details of the property, and click “Add” when you are done to add the details to the table in Fig 15a.
Fig 15b. Provide the necessary details for other limitations to the grant.
Fig 16a. Provide the details of the applicant. Click “Update” to update details of the applicant to the table in Fig 16.
Fig 17. Click “Add Prior/Equal Right Details” to add the details of the person(s) with prior or equal rights whose rights have been cleared off.
Fig 17a. Provide the details of the person. Click “Add” to add the person to the table in Fig 17.
Fig 18. Click “Add Beneficiary Details” to add the details of the beneficiary.
Fig 18a. Provide the details of the beneficiary. Click “Add” to add the beneficiary to the table in Fig 18.
Fig 19. Click “Add Details” to add the details of the spouse or other next-of-kin who are deceased.
Fig 19a. Provide the details of the person. Click “Add” to add the person to the table in Fig 19.
Fig 20. Provide any additional information that would support the Originating Application.
Relief(s) Claimed
(2) Forms
Fig 23. You will be presented with an eForm.
Fig 24. Click the “Confirm” button located at the bottom of the eForm.
Fig 26. To upload documents, click “Browse Files to upload”. Select the relevant file from the browser dialog box, and click “Upload”.
Fig 27. The row of the eForm will be updated with new buttons.
Click on the “Next” button to proceed to Step 3: Admin Details.
(3) Admin Details
Fig 28. In Step 3: Admin Details, indicate any urgent processing, special request or waiver required. You can also opt to eServe the documents to another law firm.
(4) Submission
Fig 29. In Step 4: Submission, review all information and documents before submission. Upon acceptance / approval by Court, the documents will be sent to your eLitigation inbox.
Fig 10. Click the icon to update the Applicant‘s capacity, and proceed to Fig 10a.
Fig 16. Click the icon to update the applicant’s relationship to the deceased and capacity.
Fig 21. Provide details of the relief(s) the Applicant is applying for in the text box. Click “Add Prayers” to add details of additional reliefs sought. You may click the if you wish to delete any corresponding row.
Fig 22. Click the icon to view the eForm. The eForm will be generated based on the details provided in the Case Information section. If you would like to file other supporting documents to the case, click “Add Document”.
Fig 25. Click the upload icon to upload relevant documents.
To change the information in the generated form, click “Previous” to return to the Case Information section and amend the information first. Then click the button in Step 2 to generate a new form with the updated details. Then click the “Confirm” button located at the bottom of the eForm.