(1) Case Information
Fig 1. Enter the Originating Case Number and the Date of the Originating Application that you wish to apply for a Cross Application. Both fields must be filled to search for the case.
Fig 1a. If the Originating Application is a Simplified Dissolution of Marriage, you will need to confirm that you are aware of the track’s nature, and that the Cross Application will also be treated as a Simplified Dissolution of Marriage.
If “Proceed to filing” is selected, proceed to Fig 2
If “I don’t want to go on the simplified track” is selected, proceed to Fig 1b.
Fig 1b. You will be advised to file a new Originating Application rather than a Cross Application. Click “I Understand” and to proceed with a new OA filing. Please note the other instructions on what you should do to notify the Court of your new OA filing.
Fig 2. Indicate whether the Applicant is below 21 years old or mentally incapacitated.
Fig 3. The Applicant’s details will be automatically filled in with the Originating Application’s Respondent details. The fields include:
Type of Entity
Identify Type
Applicant’s Identification No.
Country of Issue
Applicant’s name
Applicant’s gender
File Reference No.
Education Level
Marital Status before Current Marriage
The party’s birth information
Date of Birth
Country of Birth
Address Type
Local Address
Foreign Address
Does this party have a Grant or Provisional Grant of Aid from the Legal Aid Bureau?
Contact Details
Singapore Mobile Number
Singapore Residential Number
Address (in Singapore)
Hearing Matters
Is the Applicant able to attend hearings/conferences through video-conference or teleconference (if applicable)?
Does the Applicant require interpretation for Court hearings?
Modify/Complete the details if necessary.
Fig 3a. If the Applicant did not have a Solicitor in the Originating Application, you will be required to provide the Solicitor’s information in this Cross Application.
Fig 4. Similarly, the Respondent’s details will be automatically filled in with the Originating Application’s Applicant details. The fields include:
Type of Entity
Identify Type
Identification No.
Country of Issue
File Reference No.
Education Level
Marital Status before Current Marriage
The party’s birth information
Date of Birth
Country of Birth
Is the Respondents a Permanent Resident of Singapore?
Address Type
Local Address
Foreign Address
Does this party have a Grant or Provisional Grant of Aid from the Legal Aid Bureau?
Contact Details
Singapore Mobile Number
Singapore Residential Number
Address (in Singapore)
Hearing Matters
Is the Applicant able to attend hearings/conferences through video-conference or teleconference (if applicable)?
Does the Applicant require interpretation for Court hearings?
Law Practice
Law Practice Address
Solicitor Information
Solicitor List
However, the information cannot be modified as they were provided by the party himself/herself. Proceed with the rest of the application.
From this point forward, the subsequent steps of the Cross Application are dependent on the type of Dissolution of Marriage the Originating Application was intended for.
Please refer to the corresponding guide for the appropriate steps:
Originating Application for Divorce
Originating Application for Judicial Separation
Originating Application for Nullity
Originating Application for Simplified Divorce
Originating Application for Simplified Judicial Separation
Note: Some of the sections in these guides may be automatically retrieved from the original Originating Application, hence, you may not need to complete them.